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January lunchtime chat:
Nigel Girling

Friday 29th January, 1:30pm.



Post-vaccine Victories

-Rising up to fight again

















•The road to recovery will be tough and long

•There is no magic bullet

•Ultimate victory will take intelligent, sustained effort from all directions and all teams, with all stakeholders on board

•The only way to rise up sustainably will be to integrate all your strategies and efforts

•Purpose, People, Process, Performance, Productivity, Pineapples*

•It will require re-alignment of all activity, departments and people to support a coherent long-term plan and intelligent strategy


*Probably not that one



Integrated improvement


•Disconnected initiatives can’t happen and won’t work.

•No Tribes. Not Now. Not Ever Again.

•This cannot be dished-out like sweeties. The leadership team must come together and think it through coherently

•We must put the wellbeing and mental health of all at the heart of our plans and strategies

•Our people must be empowered to make change

•Stakeholder involvement is key

•Critical Thinking throughout



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